Thank you to all of the participating brands for their hard work in the booth decoration. And we thank Tombow for the support and sponsorship provided to our 10 winners.
The Best 3 Brands
Champion: 老娘 Loleung Studio
1st Runner-up: Flying Sofye by Lam Pei
2nd Runner-up: Venus Philosophy
Merit (7 brands, The list is arranged in a random order.)
Malut Design | 字裡行者 - Stamestame | 動力神社 | MANFUNG | Small Tomato | 花貓FaMiuly | Tin Yan Illustration
All of the winners won a set of Towbow stationery, and the Champion, 1st and 2nd Runner Up will get a free booth at HKICS vol.4! Congratulations again to the winners, see you in HKICS 2022~